BeverageDistributorFrozenFruitJam and Jelly Mail Order ProductNursery and Christmas TreeOrganic and NaturalVegetable Wholesale Product
About Us
If you want sustainably grown, fresh super fruit, such as Elderberry, Grapes, Aronia, Black and Red Currants, Blueberries, Honey Berries, Goji Berries, Strawberries, Raspberries, and even hops they are all grown near Lancaster, WI. We are a family farm. The berries are meant to be picked by the community, but since there will be more than enough, we will sell them to wineries and other local places that make healthy juice. We hope to make Americans love super-healthy fruit and make Lancashire Farms their family's harvesting destination. Fresh Frozen Berries after season passes, but always a U-Pick section of all the Berries, which includes Black Currant, Aronia, Elderberry, Blueberry, Honey Berry, Goji Berry, Strawberries, Raspberries, and Red Current, with a few Blackberries here and there. Table grapes and some grapes for making wine. We also have fresh, organic Hops, but air-tight freezer sealed too. The Jams and Jellies are produced in a certified kitchen and ready to go into any store.
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