Events Calendar
kayak classes at the YMCA (West Bend)
Winter kayak training at the YMCA pool
Creamed Tea
Creamed Tea Service at Cultivate Taste Tea Salon to relax and reconnect with family and friends.
Tea 101
Where do you start? At the beginning. Are you interested in learning more about tea? Do you not know much about tea?
6-Week Live Oil Painting Workshop with Artisan Cathy Martin
6-Week Live Oil Painting Workshop with artisan Cathy Martin at the Market on Blackhawk, Prairie du Chien, WI
Creamed Tea
Creamed Tea Service at Cultivate Taste Tea Salon to relax and reconnect with family and friends.
Raptor Talk with Madison Audubon
The Friends of Pope Farm Conservancy and Madison Audubon are teaming up to bring you a fascinating talk all about raptors.
6-Week Live Oil Painting Workshop with Artisan Cathy Martin
6-Week Live Oil Painting Workshop with artisan Cathy Martin at the Market on Blackhawk, Prairie du Chien, WI