The Human Show ep. 27: Beating a Dead House
Every last Saturday of the month, Stephanie Rearick hosts the "Human Show" where she holds deep conversations with our community members or interviews with faraway guests on some important topics. This week we have Justice Castaneda on Madison’s housing strategy, his work with Common Wealth Development, and more. Justice Castaneda is an Executive Director at Common Wealth Development based in Madison, Wisconsin. Previously, Justice was a Staff Sergeant at U.S. Marine Corps. Saul Glazer on solo acoustic guitar and vocals. Saul Glazer is a local Madison songwriter. Saul grew up in Bethesda, Maryland. Bethesda was a hotbed for music because of WHFS radio station which was known for its free form playlist. Across the street from WHFS was the Psyche Deli, which hosted blues, rock, and punk bands. Saul's first show there was the Fabulous Thunderbirds and Nighthawks, with Johnny Winter sitting in on a school night when Saul was 14. Saul's mom was a writer and musician. Saul moved to Madison in 1981 when he was 19. He soon joined a power pop band called Device. Device has enjoyed a recent resurgence in Japan among power pop fans. In the 90s, Saul was in a band called Tiny Planet, with Aarick Beher, Pete Olig, and Dave Gochberg. Most recently, Saul played in Negative Example with Bucky Pope, Stephanie Rearick, Tim Sullivan, and Marcel Colbert. Saul continues to write and perform acoustic-oriented music. In addition to music and video work, Stephanie Rearick is co-owner of Mother Fool's Coffeehouse and is founder and Creative Director of Humans United in Mutual Aid Networks and local HUMANs site the Madison Mutual Aid Network (MAN) Cooperative. More about her: Free event. Donations are welcome!
Date and Time
Saturday Apr 27, 2024
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM CDT
Apr 27, 2024, 3:00pm to 5:00pm
Cafe CODA, 1224 Williamson St, Madison, WI, 53703
Contact Information
Jan Lin,
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